Life changes in SO many ways!

So this little baby comes along and really rocks the boat, even the most planned of pregnancies rock a relationship and household to the max! They turn up confused about when it’s night and when it’s day. They sleep whenever and wherever they are, except at night, that’s when they come to life the most! So you’re sleep deprived, very emotional and totally in love with this new mini human! You find that your days at home are very different, eating 3 meals a day becomes really difficult when you’re alone with a new baby. You can forget housework for the first few weeks that’s for sure! You maybe spent your evenings watching something on TV now you find yourself watching your babies face to make sure he has a poo before bed or you’ll never get a decent nights sleep!! So yeah your carefree days and relaxed nights turn into ‘manic baby milk’ covered days and ‘poo face watch’ evenings!! The entertainment remains, it’s just very different!!


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