It’s go time!

Ok so my labour story. It all started at about 10:30am on Tuesday 19th April 2016. I was having pains and ignoring them as nothing major, to be honest and the ladies will know what I mean, it just felt like cramps, teenage period cramps. No one had explained early labour to me like this, or I might’ve known what was going on!! I felt sick all day but that was nothing new as I was still on the antisickness medication prescribed to me at the very start. I ignored all these, now obvious, signs and just carried on with my day! After about 12 hours they had got a bit stronger but still nothing that was making me worry. Let’s bare in mind my due date was the 23rd of April so this is 4 days early and I’d convinced myself he would be late! By midnight the pains were really close together and becoming more painful, I had my plan of a nice relaxing water birth at the hospital. We ended up at our local hospital for an assessment just after midnight and was sent home after being told I was only 3cm dilated. No sooner had we got home my waters broke, at that point we should’ve gone back to hospital, instead I got in the bath to ease the pain, I eased the pain for 3 hours, my partner reminds me constantly(!) I’m still convinced he won’t be born anytime soon, first baby prone to being a long time coming, so I take myself off to bed at about 3am. Labour then kicked into full swing and the midwife on the end of the phone is telling my partner there is an ambulance and midwives on the way to the house because our baby is going to be born at home!!! I’m in shock and a lot of pain now, the ambulance turned up first and 2 midwives followed and just an hour after they arrived my son was born in our bedroom at home, at 4:40am on Wednesday 20th April! My labour was 4hrs 4mins and I only had gas and air. I am extremely proud of my boyfriend for keeping calm, at least on the outside, and of myself for doing something I never thought I’d be able to do! I managed to deliver my baby without the need for the hospital, and that’s an amazing feeling that I’ll never forget!

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